Dr. Len Schwartz- The Importance of Mindset and Marketing

Dr. Len Schwartz
1 min readDec 28, 2022

Hey, this is Dr. Len. Today’s topic is marketing and attitude, specifically how influential or detrimental your mindset can be when it comes to increasing your income or your business.

I speak with many company owners, physicians, professionals, and even the owners or CEOs of large corporations. And while they speak about how much they want to learn, how much they want to earn, and what experiences, accomplishments, and benefits they hope to obtain, what I can immediately discern are their genuine beliefs. “Never will I do this. I’ll never experience it. I’ll never succeed there. I won’t ever acquire this or that, etc. You see what I mean.

When two opposing forces are in play, your beliefs and mindset always win and triumph over the words you utter.

I want to provide you with something to say every morning that will benefit you. “I wonder what fantastic things will happen to me today,” is how it goes. After that, you’ll begin seeking out all of those beautiful things on a daily basis. Try it. It is effective.

- Dr. Len














